Max Finney Foundation Scholarship

2023 Scholarship Awardees!

The Max Finney Foundation is pleased to announce the awardees for the 2023 Max Finney Foundation Scholarship. This is the fifth year that we have been blessed to be able to bestow these scholarships on these young men. There were so many amazing candidates which gives us great hope for the future! Please join us in heart-felt congratulations and thank you so much for your continued support.

The Max Finney Foundation scholarships are granted to young men who will be attending high quality private education at middle and high schools in the greater Houston area.  These young men should be of sound character, good scholars, involved in the school and community, and exhibit leadership. 

We’re all incredibly excited to engage with these upstanding gentlemen throughout their journey and wish them well in their endeavors. Here are the young men to whom the Max Finney Foundation awarded scholarships for 2022.

2023 Scholarship Awardees


MacGregor is a sophomore at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory. His favorite subjects are English and Theology because they allow him to explore important people of history and their contributions to the current world. MacGregor is an athlete who plays football and baseball and enjoys working with others on the teams. When he is not on the field or in the classroom, you can find him hunting or fishing depending on the season. He also loves volunteering at League of Champions and other organizations that help disabled children. MacGregor has a lot of places he would like to travel but he would most like to travel to Vatican City. MacGregor hopes to play college and professional baseball. He would like to study law or medicine and aspires to serve his country in the armed forces. 


Luke is an eighth grader at St Anne Catholic School in Tomball, Texas.  His favorite subject is math because he loves to solve problems and math applies to most everything we do. He also enjoys history, especially learning about World War II.  Luke spends his time camping, playing chess and competing against his brother playing video games. He also enjoys building LEGOs and challenges himself to build the advanced models, he especially likes the Technic cars.  Luke plays basketball at St Anne and trains in Kuk Sool Won martial arts, recently earning the Dahnbo Nim rank. Luke is always looking forward to his next trip to Mexico where he enjoys visiting different beaches, spending time with relatives practicing his Spanish, and challenging his family to card games. In the future Luke wants to visit the homeplace of his ancestors, Luca, Italy and is learning Italian in anticipation. Upon completing high school, he would like to pursue a degree in industrial engineering in order to utilize his love for math.


Stefano is a student at Frassati Catholic High School. He participates in soccer and tennis there, while playing club soccer outside of school. In school he has a preference in learning math and science, where he can apply precise and ordered thinking. His hobbies include playing piano and especially guitar. He often spends part of his weekends watching soccer, being a passionate Inter Milan fan. He loves traveling, especially to his home country Italy. He relishes spending time with his cousins and relatives there, doing activities such as playing at the beach or hiking in the mountains. He wants to tour the US one day so he can better know the country he lives in. Stefano is the second of seven siblings, which can quickly fill his hands when empty. He enjoys playing with them in many situations such as in the pool or around a board game.Stefano also regularly attends the Opus Dei center in Houston, where he receives formation and creates friendships. He considers this a main pillar in creating his character. Stefano doesn’t have a clear plan with what he will do with life, but he prepares for whatever God will give him and prefers to live in the moment.